Killer Mike’s point, that simply being a woman doesn’t necessarily make you a progressive or qualified to be president, is one I agree with (even women don’t always have women’s best interests in mind). nRR9jXcKAXĪll that said, even if, as Killer Mike (and others) pointed out, he was simply quoting what activist Jane Elliott told him - “Michael, a uterus doesn’t qualify you to be president of the United States” - there’s still a problem…Ĭ’mon, Quoting a woman saying something sexist doesn’t put you in the clear. My Full Speech /Nuw0K7h7KmįYI: That sound bite going around is pretty dishonest. Killer Mike Quotes Activist At Bernie Rally: “A Uterus Doesn’t Qualify You To Be President” Ĭontextualized, the quote sounds a little less rough.
Not uncoincidentally, he’s also a huge supporter of Democratic Socialist presidential candidate, Bernie Sanders.Īlways good on issues of race and class (and generally good on the woman issue, too), Killer Mike made an unfortunate remark during a rally for Sanders at Morehouse College in Atlanta on Tuesday, which has stirred up quite the controversy online.ĭecontexualized, the quote sounds… not great. Let me begin with my bias: I’m a longtime fan and follower of Killer Mike - he’s an incredible rapper and his politics are generally on point.